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Secondary Literature Resources:  The benefit of EBVM is that many clinical questions may have already been reviewed and published.  Check these resources to see if there aren't already evidence-based summaries of your topic.  

secondary links EBVMA (1).pdf

Links to Guidelines:  

Not all guidelines are evidence-based but driven by expert consensus. Try this useful tool from RCVS Knowledge to evaluate the guidelines.

RECOVER CPR Guidelines (2024) (Uses GRADE criteria - Evidence-based)

American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Guidelines

American Association of Feline Practitioners/International Society for Feline Medicine

American Association of Equine Practice

American Association of Bovine Practitioners

American Animal Hospital Association

World Small Animal Veterinary Association Global Guidelines

World Association for Veterinary Dermatology

American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners

Search for specific guidelines (across the above sites or papers)

LInks to Systematic Reviews in Veterinary Medicine


VetMed Resource Evidence Filter

PubMed Filters added

Links to Critically Appraised Topics

Best Bets for Vets

Knowledge Summary

Links to Article Level Analysis

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Learn More About EBVM

Copyright © 2004-2024 by the Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine Association, all rights reserved.

The EBVMA (Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association) is an international non-profit [U.S. 501(c)3] professional organization founded to better organize the emerging research, training and practice of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) — the formal strategy to integrate the best critically-designed and statistically evaluated research available combined with clinical expertise as well as the unique needs or wishes of each client in clinical practice.

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