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Directors and Officers

Our governance model includes a Board of Directors (President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Executive Secretary and Treasurer), and an Executive Committee comprised of Regional Directors (see below).

Board of Directors

(Leadership positions are based on a fiscal year from 1 July to 30 June)

President (2023-2025)

Gary Block, DVM, MS, DACVIM

President-Elect (2023-2025)

Sheila Keay, DVM, MBA, MPH, PhD

Treasurer (2025 - 2027)

Kyla Savick, DVM

Immediate Past-President (2023-2025)

David Ramey, DVM

Executive Secretary (Appointed)

Thomas Doker, DVM, MPH, DACVPM (Epidemiology), CPH

Chair of Committee of Web Presence and Membership (Appointed)

Erik Fausak, MSLIS, RVT, RLAT

Regional Officers

Northeastern, United States (2020-2024)

Joann LindenmayerDVM, MPH, Dipl. AVES (Hon.)

Central, United States (2023-2027)

Bob Larson, DVM, PhD, DACT, DACVPM (Epidemiology), ACAN

International (2023-2027)

Martin Whitehead, BSc, PhD, BVSc, CertSAM, MRCVS

Southern, United States (2021-2025)

Laura Rey, MSLS

Western United States/Mexico (2021-2025)

Connie White, DVM, PhD, MPH

Canada (2020-2024)

Luis Arroyo, Lic. Med Vet., DVSc, PhD, DACVIM

Copyright © 2004-2024 by the Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine Association, all rights reserved.

The EBVMA (Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association) is an international non-profit [U.S. 501(c)3] professional organization founded to better organize the emerging research, training and practice of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) — the formal strategy to integrate the best critically-designed and statistically evaluated research available combined with clinical expertise as well as the unique needs or wishes of each client in clinical practice.

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