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Links for Practitioners

These resources are geared for those in veterinary practice that are looking to utilize evidence-based veterinary medicine in their day-to-day.  

Learn the basic approach to EBVM and learn about tools to start practicing EBVM

Learn how to apply EBVM in daily practice

Links to Practice EBVM

Use these links to find the best resources based on your consumption or use of EBVM

Find Systematic and Scoping reviews in Veterinary Medicine to address your clinical question. 

Find critically appraised topics on your clinical question


Links for Education

These resources are geared for those teaching or learning about evidence-based veterinary medicine in an academic setting.

Learn the basic approach to EBVM and learn about tools to start practicing EBVM

Learn how to apply EBVM in daily practice

Free information and resources on evidence-based healthcare

Useful descriptions and resources for teaching EBVM 

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Additional Links

Resources from human medicine to teach evidence-based practice


Copyright © 2004-2024 by the Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine Association, all rights reserved.

The EBVMA (Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine Association) is an international non-profit [U.S. 501(c)3] professional organization founded to better organize the emerging research, training and practice of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) — the formal strategy to integrate the best critically-designed and statistically evaluated research available combined with clinical expertise as well as the unique needs or wishes of each client in clinical practice.

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